Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Friendster blogger sucks so moving on to another...

Like my friend, Linuxlah, I too gave up on friendster blog. I thought it would be easy to have everything in one portal, but friendster had a lot of limitations for a novice turning intermediate blogger like myself.
Hence, I've created my own blog here in blogspot. The reasons are as below:
  1. I'm starting to get the bloggeritis fever.
  2. It supports anonymous comments, cause I like to get to know strangers who have nothing better
    to do but to nose around other people's blogs.
  3. Friendster had this bad feature where it tells all my friends in my friends network about me updating
    my blog. It happens even when I correct a spelling in a word. Don't get me wrong, I like attention but not
    too much attention. Sure, sometimes I like to spam my friends, but that I can do occasionally when I do
    update my friendster blog about an article i wrote here.
  4. Blogspot have way cooler features.
  5. Blogspot rocks when it comes to customizations.
So therefore, was created and got spawn off my old blog site,

If you are wondering what pasquinades means, from, it means:
A satire or lampoon, especially one that ridicules a specific person, traditionally written and posted in a public place.


  1. Welcome to the Blog, Joey.
    This is the true blogger hang-out!

    Hope this blogspot does not let you down.....

    Your sista!

  2. oh yeah, we learn our mistakes now....sifu blogger....:))

  3. Thanks for directing me here Joey. Refreshing look and I do agree with the spamming everytime someone updates their blog and I get it too. Duh!

    However, I think Kak Lanie (the sifu) did it better with the green :p

    Way to go, both of us!

  4. Soli... i actually both of YOU!! (malunya...)

  5. hay, thanks for your comments angie....
    Do keep on coming, after a few times, it will convert you to a fellow blogger.

  6. I'm already a blogger Joey. Just somewhere else (I'm sure you'll not approve of that site) hehe! if you know what I mean.

  7. 2 things that made me move out from friendster blog ....
    1. It could never align pictures properly or I can never figure it out how to do it..
    2. Only friendsters could post comment coz most of my friend aren't. They had to email me to comment

    Dude... how many people did ask you what the thingy in the world is pasquinades before you decide to put its definition? :)

  8. Frankly speaking, you're the first one asking me what pasquinades means. I guess others just don't bother asking...or might not have your level of curiosity.

  9. Hey...some of us don't ask what pasquinades means because we too use "".

    *I still get the mail of a 'new word' sent each day* Is it me or they sometimes send you the same word again?

  10. Ohhh, you're different evelyne, you're a geek in the closet. You just look cool, but deep in your heart you're a geek.

    But still you're a cool geek? Very smart lady.....

    "New Word" a day from


I don't really wish to moderate any comments, but its necessary to avoid spammers.