Finally, I found some time to write something on my blog. I really needed the weekend to rest cause, last week, studying for the Sun Java Certification was hell. Due to the last minute study, I had to skip work with the following excuses: car problem, paying housing loans, puncture tyre problem, high fever, diarrhea, my dog hid the keys ... and etc. I had to continue lying for 3 days until the day of the exam. Anyway, all the lies was worth it, as I passed my Sun Certification by mere luck. The passing score was 32/61, and my score was a little bit higher, 33/61. Funny, I had no idea what I did right or what I did wrong. It was all very confusing and all the questions was obscure. I'm just lucky to have answered a little bit more than half of the questions right.
A friend who took it with me was not so lucky though. I feel bad for him cause I was the one who kinda coerce him into taking the certification. Its RM 500 a paper, and with our pathetic salaries, that's a hell lot. Anyway, I had confidence that my friend could have pass the exam without any problems, but I guess his part-time school and over demanding job, with crazy bosses drained him out of excellence.
Well, here are some pictures of me cracking my head for an exam that I don't really know why I'm taking it. Like LPIC, I'm not sure how this cert. will help me....
And that's a picture of me studying....Garbage Collection, Classes concepts for inheritance, polymorphism and yada-yada-yada.
Hmmm, I will survive.....I will not give up!!!
This cannot be that difficult.
And that's me trying really hard to understand the abstract concepts of java inner classes....
Inner classes, outer classes, method classes,....what classes? I'm lost here!!
And what was threads again...what is this whole Garbage Collection thing have to do with objects and threads.....
I'm just gonna give up and let luck decide on my fate.
First of all congrats dude. I failed the exam. I guess its due to that I don't take photo of me studying... wait a minute I can do that coz I didn't study. I went to see RMS :)